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Moyesway Shooting Sports
Gonzales Elks 4th Annual Sporting Clays Tournament
Main Event - 100 Targets

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JuniorJunior LadySeniorAdultVeteranLadyFirst ResponderMilitaryGame WardenLaw EnforcementCollegiate

. First Name Last Name . Class Concurrent Gender # A:1 # A:2 # A:3 # A:4 # A:5 # A:6 # A:7 # A:8 # A:9 # A:10 # A:11 # A:12 Total
0TANNERVACHA0. M 788889876781094
0COYLABUHN0. M 878689678881093
0TREYMILLER0. M 877881078786993
0DUSTINHOWARD0. M 88868988767992
0BRENDENSMITH0. M 77888987687992
0J.W.Atkinson0. M 678888786741087
0ZANEWHITEHEAD0. M 78476987685984
0CashCurl0. M 87778577586984
0AustinPetersen0. M 65857987686984
0ColsenBoehm0. M 46687888577983
0SLAYDENBOEHM0. M 88677787575782
0MATTHEWMASON0. M 78667785684981
0JarridBoehm 0. M 66764987865880
0WyattWithers0. M 766678844671079
0Cody Jeter0. M 86868785656578
0BraxtonValle0. M 68756686756474
0JUANPIZANO0. M 655473776861074
0BrysonKuehn0. M 75674865273969
0WillMiller0. M 53435988385869
0PIPERKEEN0Junior Lady M 77615655684767
0GeorgeReese0. M 61544678374762
0MichaelModgling0. M 43405655377554
0AnsonWheelis0. M 61551153435443
0JasonWright0. M 43454350433442
0RyderRobinson0. M 51444632331642
0HoldenTieken0. M 50000812221425