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American Shooting Centers Special Events
2024 Intl Facilities Mgmt Assoc
Sporting White - 50 Targets

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JuniorJunior LadySeniorAdultVeteranLadyFirst ResponderMilitaryGame WardenLaw EnforcementCollegiate

. First Name Last Name . Class Concurrent Gender # A:1 # A:2 # A:3 # A:4 # A:5 # A:6 # A:7 # A:8 # A:9 # A:10 Total
0JUDENE DEAKLE0.Lady254634424640
0BentonSchmaltz0. M 444526324640
0RobertJacobs0. M 344635234640
0CurtisRhodes0. M 352434264639
0KrisMeyer0. M 454326244438
0MikeBaker0. M 163631334636
0JEFFMILLER0. M 452512433635
0JOSEPHHEBERT0. M 450524044634
0ANDREWMCGHEE0. M 451326424334
0Daniel Galloway0. M 134532233531
0ScottMyska0. M 362312333531
0PAULBAKER0. M 350522233530
0SeanMcBeth0. M 153016441530
0AlexGallardo0. M 411614323429
0LuisEscobar0. M 442323214429
0CHADBAILEY0. M 432512314328
0WilliamMartinez0. M 313306242327
0Ricky DeMann0. M 153430313427
0BRANDONWALLACE0. M 331503233326
0EricCarney0. M 332302151626
0EJRamirez0. M 142321414224
0JEFFHILL0. M 232500114422
0JonathanSmithwick0. M 342311121422
0KevinParson0. M 030122024620
0SteveBurris0. M 143001312419
0LucasClough0. M 241003113419
0Ghost0. M 131001114618
0DanielPlott0. M 122402012418
0Jessica Silva0.Lady232032202016
0MichaelSorley0. M 040000123515
0Suzanne Schreider0.Lady350000220315
0JuanVerde0. M 001410011412
0Linda Warner0.Lady140030102011
0Jane Stallings 0.Lady010410002311
0Kyla Spaugh Johnson0.Lady00011211028
0JARREDMCGHEE0. M 10000000001
0Brian Deritter0. M 10000000001