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4H Natural Resources
HMPR-2023 Texas 4-H Shooting Sports State Games
Smallbore Hunter Pistol Silhouette - Any Sight S1 / S2 - 40 Targets

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You can click names to highlight them, to make them easier to spot while sorting.

Senior 2Senior 1S1/S2IntermediateJr/IntJuniorNoviceNovice JuniorNovice IntermediateNovice S1Novice S2Lady S1/S2LadySenior2LadySenior1LadyIntermediateLady Jr/IntLadyJuniorLadyNoviceAdultParentCollegiateSponsor

. First Name Last Name . Class Concurrent Gender Total
0EllieParks0Senior 2.Lady22
0HunterCrowell0Senior 1. M 18
0LeaSoule0Senior 1.Lady18
0ConnorUpton0Senior 2. M 17
0MarySteelman0Senior 1.Lady15
0TylerBowles0Senior 2. M 12
0HannahSmith 0Senior 2.Lady10
0AaronMigl0Senior 1. M 10
0KodaWagner0Senior 1.Lady7
0Isabella Mercer0Senior 2.Lady5
0MakennaKelm0Senior 1.Lady3
0NoahRea0Senior 1. M 1
0JacobWuest0Senior 2. M