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Deaf Smith 4-H
2023 DS Shooting Sports Whizbang Trap and Skeet
Jr Trap - 50 Targets

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Senior 2Senior 1S1/S2IntermediateJr/IntJuniorNoviceNovice JuniorNovice IntermediateNovice S1Novice S2Lady S1/S2LadySenior2LadySenior1LadyIntermediateLady Jr/IntLadyJuniorLadyNoviceAdultParentCollegiateSponsor

. First Name Last Name . Class Concurrent Gender # A:1 # B:1 Total
0RankinPool0Junior. M 232447
0TrewBaird 0Junior. M 242347
0WESTONFARMER0Junior. M 232346
0HunterFulton0Junior. M 182038
0JosephHill0Junior. M 171936
0LandryJones0Junior. M 161632
0CORBINFARMER0Junior. M 201131
0KeltonLandrum0Junior. M 151631
0LeviKerns0Junior. M 131225
0AaronRoberts0Junior. M 91120
0ColinMatthews0Junior. M 9716
0Khloe Florez0Junior.Lady5712