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Polecat Creek Shotgun Park
Registered Shoot #2
Main - 200 Targets

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Master AA A B C D E H
Senior Super Veteran Super Veteran Veteran Junior Sub Junior Non-Concurrents

. First Name Last Name . Class Concurrent Gender # A:1 # A:2 # A:3 # A:4 # A:5 # A:6 # A:7 # A:8 # A:9 # A:10 # B:1 # B:2 # B:3 # B:4 # B:5 # B:6 # B:7 # B:8 # B:9 # B:10 Total
0CRAIGMCMICHAEL8M.   999101010910910699986107910178
0DAVIDMILLER8M.   99610101010810971089108871010178
0ELLIOTTOLL8M.   0101010101010105102101010999787166
0JOHNMEINERS6A.   88410107988869781089989163
0CONNORGITTINGS4CJunior   75391089878784107759109150
0GAVENHALE3DJunior   854810991041035878886109149
0NOAHELKHATIB4CJunior   893897109284287999898146
0ROBERTRICHTER4CVeteran   910788799894498945468145
0AARONJACKSON5B.   51591010710874526737986129
0KEITHDEBROT3D.   635910974481713856498117
0RYANPOWELL3DJunior   74187599172766478436111
0STEVEREDMOND3D.   53461057844222553438191
0CJOdom3D.   73381015533061752672690